Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)
April 7, 2013
Still Airing
The series follows the story of Eren Yeager, a young soldier whose father disappears and his mother is killed during the fall of Wall Maria and years later, enlists into the army along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman. When the Titans threaten to break further through Wall Rose, Eren discovers that he possess the ability to temporarily transform himself into a Titan as well. Seen as a threat by some, and as a ray of hope by others, Eren and his companions risk their lives to protect what still remains of mankind, making use of his newfound power while looking for answers to the mysteries surrounding the Titans, the walls and his own existence.
Don't worry. No spoilers.
The anime starts out very interestingly and will throw a lot of information at you very quickly so be prepared to keep up, but once you get past the first 3 episodes It really takes off and is hard to not want to watch every bit of it at once. One of the best I've watched up there with Bleach and Full Metal Alchemist. The plotline is incredible and I cannot wait to see where it goes next. So far I've only seen the first 10 episodes but as more are released I will be very excited to follow it