Taiki Kudō, an upbeat seventh-grade boy who always helps people in need, encounters a Digimon named Shoutmon, who brings him and his friends to the Digital World. With his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjirō Tsurugi, they form Team Xros Heart to compete against rival teams battling for supremacy, with their ultimate goal of taking down the evil Bagura Empire, who plans to conquer the Digital World.
Written by arachnero on January 11, 2011 at 11:01 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
I am never into digimon.. I do watched but not every episode in every series of digimon until I downloaded the first episode of x-wars and it keeps coming.. the excitement if you know what I mean.. from what I see before.. digimon often evolved but this digimon it combine.. nice! What ever the digimon title and the storyline.. Goggle is a must item for the hero.. lol! keep on uploading!