Crush Gear Turbo (激闘!クラッシュギアTURBO Gekitō! Kurasshugia Tābo), also known just as Crush Gear, is an anime and manga series. The anime series, produced by Sunrise, spanned 68 episodes, aired across Japan on the anime television network Animax, from October 7, 2001 to January 26, 2003. It was followed on by a sequel, Crush Gear Nitro, which has also been aired across Japan by Animax. Crush Gear Turbo was about people who threw mechanical vehicles into a large ring to fight and "crush" each other. Magna Pacific released Crush Gear Turbo in English in Australia
Can anybody tell me where i can download this anime's episodes?or if anybody generous enough to upload the episodes here. I have been searching for this anime's episodes for 5 to 6 years, trying so many different websites and links. I have reached no where in my quest to find this anime....and i simply have no idea where to search anymore. I beg who ever know where i could get these episodes to tell me or if you have a copy of them, i beg you....pls pls pls upload them.This anime too carries a lot of my childhood memories , i seriously wish i could watch them again :(