This story teakes place in the Edo era where Yasuri Shichika is the seventh head of the Kyotou school of Japanese sword martial arts living in Fushou Island with his sister Nanami. With the order from a female samurai general Togame, he sets out for a trip to collect the twelve treasured swords created by a legendary swordsmith Shikizaki Kiki.
Written by jethre27 on January 20, 2011 at 12:47 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
This anime is really an epic! and great.
The art was superb, even if the drawing is an anime cliche, as well as the storyline. It is true that this anime certainly has lot of talkings or dialogue (maybe because it is in ancient era), but it was worth watching I promise.
The ending part really had an impact on me! though it I wasn't expecting of that for a romance genre anime.
Shichika and Togame! I will really remember your story. Cheerio!