Older Children (May contain mild bad language, bloodless violence)
October 2, 2008
One of the noble families of England - Phantomhive, has a butler, Sebastian Michaels. He has unquestionably perfect knowledge, manners, talent with materials. martial arts and much more. But for some reason, he serves a 12 year old master...
The story is enjoyable but the comedy behind it is a bit off putting. You have the nice creepy darkside of the story but there is this comedy thrown into it that just puts me off. A young kid sold his soul to a demon to take revenge on the ones who hurt him. A simple enough story that is pretty predictable sadly. As you watch the show it becomes easy to guess what will happen next; but its still good wnough for you to stay and watch it to the end. The anime seems rushed in some sense. They story is a bit vauge when it comes to the history of the main character and could have been explained in the seris to lengthen the show. Without that it seems to just fly by. There are a few things that seem to never be explained and the ending gives some closure but still leaves you wondering about other things. Story 2/5
The voice actors and the dialouge is so-so but still nothing special. Decent to say the least. Dialogue 3/5
Animation is like the story. Its got the nice cool dark look to it but, like the story when the comedy part come into play its a bit off putting. 3/5
Entertainment was a ok. I mean it was nice but it could be better its one of those animes that if you dont like the forst 3 eps then you probably won't enjoy the rest. The reason I watched this show was because the look of the anime was to my liking and the mystery to the Ciel the main character got me int he first few episodes that I wanted to know more. In the end though I was a little disappointed since the show never REALLY goes in depth about his background. Entertainment 2/5
Overall I'd say watch the first 3 eps if you don't get into by then well stop there. No sense in it really. It's predictable and doesn't quite fill the need you want filled.