Mononoke follows a wandering, nameless character known only as the "Medicine Seller" (Kusuriuri). The series is made up of individual chapters in which the medicine seller encounters, combats and subsequently destroys various mononoke. The "mononoke" are a type of ayakashi, unnatural spirits that linger in the human world.
The Medicine Seller always proceeds in the same manner, using his knowledge of the supernatural to fend off the mononoke until he can learn the spirit's shape (Katachi), truth (Makoto) and reasoning (Kotowari). Only then can he unsheathe his sword and exorcise the demon.
Written by brendanguthrie on November 29, 2010 at 6:23 AM
Overall Rating
Story: 5
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 5
the charecters and the art are so amazingly cool and funky. i highly recomed this anime if you enjoy watching really cool anime (like the cool kids do) ;D