The Legend of Korra is an American animated television series, that premieres on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14, 2012. The series is a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008, and is currently set to run for 26 episodes
I went to Asome another anime sites to inform myself about The Legend Of Korra but I had no success, probably because they contains only a real anime series. Anime is not just the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation." It have a unique and various genres which could be more deeper, realistic, also a characters in anime are better developed. The Legend Of Korra is something that is called anime-influenced animation - non-Japanese works that borrow stylization from anime but it is not unusual for a viewer who does not know the country of origin of such material to refer to it as simply "anime". Some works result from co-productions with non-Japanese companies, such as most of the traditionally animated Rankin/Bass works, the Cartoon Network and Production I.G series IGPX or ÅŒban Star-Racers; different viewers may or may not consider these anime. I prefer an original anime artworks. I Like western cartoons like The Legend Before Time (some very old but very good), Ferngully, but I dont like this hybrid, it's not a real anime neither a real cartoon.