The story of "love, magic, and battles" revolves around Akuto Sai, a boy who aims to become part of his country's highest order of magicians and contribute to society. On the day he is admitted into the Constant Magical Academy, his aptitude test predicts the following: "Future Occupation … Devil King." Thus begins his difficult school life in which he is resented by his studious female class head, desired by a girl with mysterious powers, and guarded by a beautiful female android.
Written by timmyjingoro on August 19, 2010 at 8:52 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 2
Dialogue: 5
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 3
this started off very good with a great balance of romance, comedy, ecchi, characters etc. but soon jumped the shark in the second half where a LOT happened in a SHORT time. so it became rushed, stupid, boring, underdeveloped and overall uninteresting and mediocre.
so overall, had a good start but needed to be 25 or so episodes for the second half to be expanded upon greatly.