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Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time (Movie) Reviews
Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time
Title(s): Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time
Gekij?-ban Yu-Gi-Oh! ~Ch?-Y?g?! Jik? o Koeta Kizuna (Japanese)
Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie: Super Fusion! Bonds that Transcend Time
??? ????? ????????????? (Japanese)
Creator: Kazuki Takahashi
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Age Group: All Ages (Nothing objectionable)
Vintage: January 23, 2010
Status: Completed
Summary: After falling through a time-slip, Yusei Fudo (who has just had his powerful card stolen by a mysterious stranger) meets with Judai Yuki and Yugi Muto, who agree to help Yusei defeat the evil Paradox, who is planning to destroy Pegasus before he can invent Duel Monsters.
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They made such a big deal out of something that turned out to be nothing.
Written by squad14captain on August 11, 2011 at 2:39 PM
Overall Rating
Story: 2
Dialogue: 2
Animation: 5
Entertainment: 3
Okay, the idea of having the three main characters together from all series in a movie is great. The story and plot seemed good at first, but that is...until you actually watch the movie. When I watched it I was greatly disappointed. It began at a random moment and then led to another random moment. There's alot of random moments in this story with no transitions at all. The dialogue was horrible because the three main's didn't really spend much time talking to each other. It was annoying how open they were to helping each other and becoming friends without even figuring out any background information. Plus it was only those three shown throughout the movie. We got to see none of Yugi's friends (well Pegasus but that was obvious as his role was just to die). Judai's friends were out of the picture. Yusei's friends took upon the role of cheerleaders with nothing to contribute at all. Okay, the animation was really great, even greater than the anime itself, but the thing is that they could have been somewhat more realistic. I mean for peat sake! Paradox destroyed Domino City! The least the animators could do is show us some bodies or blood! But the main issue with this movie was the duel. They only had ONE duel, which lasted for 7 turns between the four of them. It was really short and didn't show much of a struggle on their part. The could have at least showed Paradox and Yusei duel in the beginning or Judai and Paradox duel each other in the middle, but no, they left us with one duel which was greatly disappointing, especially with some of the new cards they used that are SO ONE-SIDED! Especially how they won, you'll find out, very one-sided. It was stupid that they killed off Paradox without even having some reaction afterwards. It was like, lets just forget the villain we defeated and go home without even asking a second question! This movie was a great disappointment, they could have done a lot better. The first movie was way greater than this one in every aspect, except animation of course. Oh yeah, FYI, this movie is only 40-50 minutes long...not that long...for something that was advertised so much on the media, it sure was really short. I would only see Die-hard YGO fans actually enjoying this movie without seeing any faults. But die-hard YGO fans can be compared to Narutards, people who see no fault in a show whatsoever and support it like a crazy fan-boy/girl.
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