if of all i love the Avatar Legend of Aaang, it was the best it had comedy , action...
this is the best anime i have ever seen ok no more talking shit ok, all i have to...
for those who have watched season 1, season 2 start at ep 26, and for those who are...
noting 2 say but u will love it
when i watched this anime it toke my heart it was so amazing to watch, ever ep i...
i dont care what usay all i know is that this is only of the best anime ever all...
when i first watched this anime it was like boring and then after 2 min it got a...
listen up IF U LIKE NARUTO said YES/ but IF u LIKe BLeach SAY NO
for those who like romace abd comdy i couldm say for you guys 2 watch this is pretty...
it great it funny and u will love it
try it out and you will love it, in the first 10 min ok it awsome has some nudity...
if u like naruto say no. IF u like Bleach say YES
this anime is one of my favourite, when i started to watch it i didn't get it at...
this anime is the best it has acton comdy and romantic bits for the girl it awsome
if you are looking for some laugh any think that got to with sex come and watch this...
this anime is so funny that i could not stop watch it it has a great story to it...
i was give the anime by my friends i throught dat he was stupid and wick but i change...
i think that this is a mad anime i dont know u just have 2 see it urself