I can really relate to the story line somewhat. I of course, I've never saved a cat...
Ash once again makes tough choices to do the right thing. While we find out that...
This is a great anime if you don't take it for what it is, a comedy. Its suppose...
I an glad to have watched and make this seies part of my collection! I'm totally...
everyone can not like the same things :)
I loved the first season and cant wait for the rest of the second. Makes me sad that...
I like it untill the ending, it erked me. I don't want to spoil it so thats all I...
The trailer just makes you want to see it even more then you already did!
So could someone upload this with english subtitles! Please!!
It sounds intresting but there is nothing there for me to get. Why?
I would love to see it and I tried both but one wouldn't work and the other didn't...
Charming story! Better than I thought it would be for a randon selection makes up...
This is a really great movie. I really got into the story and its characters. I could...
The other guys actucal have to work in this one! Great Movie!
I don't know why really just that this movie didn't catch my attention at all! I've...
It's great how Naruto can motivate someone to believe in themself and durring the...
I loved it!!! Great story, just as good as Junjo Romantica. Now I want to watch more...but...
I stuck with it till they saved the girl and then it continued. Sorry to any fans...
The anime had its good parts but the charactics of the main characters irated me...
I like the movie I turely did untill the end and then I was so erked by it I got...
I have read the manga to this blends with it well. Which cannot be said for all anime!...
It was a great Pokemon movie! With Ash and his friends once again pitching in to...
I've never seen this Pokemon movie and was really looking forward to it. It to over...
I would recomend this to anyone first trying out anime! After they watch the start...
This is the anime that made me get into anime!!! Love it!!!!
I like the others better than this one personally, I just keap it for I have the...
I am a fan of inuyasha and I really injoyed how they bring outmore of inuyasha'a...
I love it when something follows the manga. Sometimes they change whats going on...