Well now days is hard to find a good anime, and this one is beyond other animes....
Excellent anmine about vampires! At the beginning is lost, but after few episodes...
It's kinda amazing cause somehow this anime remind me death note, but it's a lot...
if u like romance with little spice of comedy, u can watch this.
really good animation,...
the best comedy i ever saw
Not bad... Not bad at all, or probably i should say: better then i was expected!...
only 1 thing i can say about this anime is: tch...
A lot of action scenes, also there is humor and every thing else
what i can say: this anime is LOVELY ♥♥♥
Ahh... I never thought i could cry when watch animes but this anime make me too......
To be honestly this anime isn't best for me but is in 2nd place among 20 romance...
This anime make me laugh in every episode. this anime for me is best comedian ;D...
Truly i like this anime. There is a lot of funny moments where i laughed but also...
i like it... Great story, i'm waiting more episodes =]
better ecchi i never see
Never find better anime, in every episode this anime make my laugh. that's rich anime....
This anime is the first manga whom i star watch, so i watch it in the end. (=';'=)
A lot of fun episodes, and great fights. What can i say interestingly constructed...