this anime is quite good, and is up to epesode 4 yet no body has posted any download...
WATCH IT FOR THE CHARACTER CALLED MISAKA... everything eles is bad and annoying
a bit like k-on, with a war theme but no blood.
cute, funny and more funny-ness...
if you want a little magic and dont mind old looking anime this anime is for u!
a lovley way to learn a little history and science and also to have a giggle and...
one more great comedy and romance! the story is about a girl whos a great fighter...
best comedy ever! the story goes... one day a girl comes out of the water and says...
this anime is the best romance of the year! i would recomend this highly. the story...
i kinda expected better of this show... the starting is just horrible and the comedy...
a cute anime story about a little witch in training and as she turns 12 she needs...
this anime is about a boy who is very poor and for chrismass his perents gave him...
this is one of my fav anime! the story is about these monsters called "worms" that...
this is one more of the cute fighting animes... the story is great,cute and funny...
this is a nice slowgoing anime... ive only just started this anime and i love it!...
this anime is soooo cute and odd... this is not on of the "i already know whats going...
this is an anime about a host club in a rich school, a girl (who is poor but got...
this anime is all about... bread! who would of though of such anime? not only does...
this is an anime for people that go for the kid-ish type... it is a cute story but...
a fun and halarious anime! its a slow going, cut, not action packed anime! its the...
one of the best animes. the stoy is about lucy who joins a guild called fairy tail.she...
best anime ive ever seen.. a must watch!! the story is about a city that focuses...
this anime is in my top 10.... it has romance, violance, mystery even a bit of history...