I feel a little natsukashii coming back to TokyoInsider after so long a hiatus......
I plan to watch this thanks to your heartfelt review. IF you want recommendations...
While this may be some pervs cup of tea, it really doesn't belong on Anime... ahem,...
Scrapped Princess is an interesting title that somehow managed to grab my attention....
From Up on Poppy Hill is a masterpiece in storytelling... no, it isn't childish fantasy...
From the looks of it, most previous reviews were based off watching only part of...
Ok so I started Senran Kagura for the mindless entertainment, but what I got was...
They actually had this anime series at my local library so I'd heard of it many moons...
My wife and I just finished watching Tears to Tiara last night and I think we both...
There's lots to like about Hatsukoi Ltd, starting with the opening sequence by Sphere!...
the petition to have them finish this amazing anime!? For once I started watching...
Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love,...
Why does it seem that so many short anime series have such potential but fail to...
I've always said if a show can evoke an emotional response, whether good (happiness)...
Loved this series! Yes, it does cause you to have flashbacks to older classics like...
I watched the first 3 seasons of ZnT after hearing the OP of the 1st season and wondering...
.jpg) |
I almost didn't make it to episode 2 but I'm glad I stuck with it...
This was...
My wife and I previewed the first episode of this anime some time ago while trying...
Maybe I came into this series with my expectations set a little too high. After...
Having seen most (not quite all) of Miyazaki's (and Ghibli's) masterpieces, I can...
Recently my wife and I have been on a Hayao Miyazaki kick and last night's offering...
Please grow up....
Other users, if you're constantly annoyed at those like narutoSHARINGANuser...
Chobits has been recommended to me several times by my anime (dare I say otaku?)...
For some reason I started watching Tomodachi and Ore no Imouto simultaneously......
Perhaps I'm biased since I am also a fan of the original series, but I was excited...
This series has left me conflicted that's for sure... I wanted to watch something...
Girls Bravo is one of those series that made me laugh out loud every episode! While...
This anime has quickly become one of my favourite romantic anime series of all time......
I'll have to concur with another reviewer that this series reminded me of a John...
On a whim I decided to watch an episode of this without expecting too much or even...
Story telling at it's finest! Miyazaki's works are masterpieces that no review can...
Wow, Fight Ippatsu takes ecchi to a whole new level!
This is a short series so...
I realize the nose-bleed is sort of the universal anime indication that a guy has...
Nodame: Paris is the 2nd season of Nodame Cantabile... although shorter than the...
My wife and I just finished watching this 'finale' series of Nodame last night and...
I've sent screenshots of your recent reviews to the admins... hopefully you will...
I laughed or smiled my way through this entire series... it's a very realistic slice-of-life...
I remember watching 'Rocky' as a kid and when it was over both me and my brother...
Actually by first, I mean this is the first BONES production that hasn't wowed me....
When I see BONES, I know it's going to be a quality release, and Sword of the Stranger...
Seriously this anime had the most and the best animated panty shots I've ever seen!...
I've started watching several of the anime 'movies' here and this was next on the...
I had Maburaho on my list of animes to see and now that I've just finished watching...
First off, to the reviewer below me, I thought I was reading my own review - my wife...
Ok I usually reserve disdain for those who do what I'm about to do... that is, write...
If you're a sucker for romance then this is the anime series for you. I really wasn't...
We just finished this series last night so I wanted to write up a review while it's...
I'm not sure what made me watch this one... I think I was going through the list...
When I first got into anime, FMA was the first full length series I ever watched....
Just finished watching this series and while it was a good watch I just wish it had...
<rant>Ok, first off, I requested to add this series about a week ago but never received...
I started watching the English dubbed dual audio version and fell in love with the...
Once again it is the characters that keep this series interesting. There are plenty...
I'm not sure which came first, the chicken or the egg, but this totally reminded...